Today's Famous Day on 29 June in Historical Events
Today's Famous Day on 29 June in Historical Events |
Today's Famous Day on 29 June : On this Day Our Historic pages are remarkable by so many historical events of all over the world. Some of it is known and some of is unknown. Let's see today's Famous events.
Today's Famous Particular day on 29 June / Exclusives / Important Day
Today's Famous Particular day on 29 June. On this day Important Day :
29 June : International Mud Day.
29 June : Camera Day.
29 June : World Industrial Design Day.
Today's Famous day on 29 June in History
Today's Famous day on 29 June in India
Today's Famous day on 29 June in India. On this day Historical Famous Events :
29 June 1864- On this day Sir Ashutosh Mukharjee was born. He was a educationalist and the judge of Kolkata High Court and Vice- Chancellor of Kolkata University.
29 June 1893- Prominent statistician Prashanta Chandra Moholanbish was born
29 June 1873- Michael Madhusudan Dutt, a famous Bengali of the 19th Century was died on this day.
29 June 1936- Bengali - speaking literateur Buddhadev Guha was born.
29 June 1966- Famous mathematician Damodar Dharmanandh Cosambi was died.
29 June 2012 : 16 Naxalite Maoist insurgents in India are killed by police.
Today's Famous day on 29 June in Bangladesh
Today's Famous day on 29 June in Bangladesh. On this day Historica Famousl Events :
29 June 1938- Bangladeshi song artist, lyricist and organizer of Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, Ajit Roy was born.
29 June 1984- Writer, screenwriter and also film director Sadath Hussein was born.
29 June 2008- Bangladesh's Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed announced in the meeting with U. S Ambassador that Bangladesh will give the status of Independent state of European Kosov.
29 June 2014- Bangladeshi Bengali poet Abul Hussein was died.
29 June 2015- Bangladeshi medical scientist Mujibur Rahaman was died.
Today's Famous day on 29 June in the World
Today's Famous day on 29 June in the World. On this day Historical Famous Events in The World.
29 June 1613 : Shakespeare's Globe theatre was incinerated.
29 June 1858: American engineer of Panama Canal, George Washington Goethals was born.
29 June 1886: Famous French painter Adlophe Monticelli was died.
29 June 1945: Sri Lanka's 5th President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaaratunga was born.
29 June 1946 : America's first atomic bomb was tested in Bikini.
29 June 1958: Former Brazilian footballer, coach and manager Leovegildo Li s da Gama Junior was died.
29 June 1977 : English actress and singer Zuleikha Robinson was born.
29 June 1978 : American singer, lyricist, dancer and actress Nicole Scherzinger was born.
29 June 1980 : English singer Katherine Jeksin was born.
29 June 1990: French footballer Ever Maximiliano David Banega was born.
29 June 1995: American actress and singer Lana Turner was died.
Today's Famous Birthdays
Today's Famous Birthdays on 29 June. On this day Famous Birthdays :
29 June 1864 : Ashutosh Mukherjee, Bengali educator, jurist, barrister and mathematician described as the "Banglar Bagh" (Tiger of Bengal), born in Calcutta, Bengal Presidency, British India (d. 1924)
29 June 1893 : Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, Indian scientist and applied statistician (Mahalanobis distance), whose birthdate is celebrated annually in India as "National Statistics Day", born in Calcutta, Bengal, British India (d. 1972)
Today's Famous Marriage Anniversary and Divorces
Today's Famous Marriage Anniversary and Divorces on 29 June. On this day Famous Marrige Anniversary and Divorces :
Today's Famous Deaths
Today's Famous Deaths on 29 June. On this day Famous Deaths :
29 June 1873 : Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Bengali poet (b. 1824).
The Famous Day : Today's Famous Day on 29 June
I hope from this post : Today's Famous Day on 29 June will be profitable to you. To know every historic events of famous days follow the website The Famous Day , Thanks.
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